Tips For Not Forgetting what You Are Studying For Bank Exam!

Not getting time for revision? Revision is the most important aspect of IBPS PO exam preparation because 50% of what you studied is likely to be forgotten in 1-2 days. Many of the students are not able to give their 100% in bank exams because, they forget what they have studied due to insufficient practice and revising.  Students always ignore revision, due to lack of time. But worry not; it is not that difficult to find time for revision. Here are some tips for revising before bank exam.

Make revision the first task of the day
There are chances that at the end of the day, you have to complete some other work and are more likely to skip revision. So start your study routine with revision of previously studied sections.
Revise within 24 hours
Any new topics you learn needs to be revised within 24 hours or in busy months you can do it every fortnight. Without revision, you will not be able to remember half of the information you learned.
Revise only where you went wrong last time
If you have a busy schedule, revise only where you went wrong last time. Take test for each section and find the questions that you did wrong. Then practice only those questions during revision time. It completes your revision and saves your time.
Use your time wisely
The few minutes before you sleep are the best time for memorization. So when you are on the bed, go through the important points, equations or vocabulary.
Revise on the go
Revision on the go is probably the easiest thing you can do. If you are travelling to some place or visiting someone, take the books with you. Use it do revision.
Have a revision buddy
Do your revision with your friend. It will help to motivate each other and solve each other’s doubts. Keep competition with your friend to see who gets to complete their revision first.

Now, most importantly join one of the best Bank PO Coaching Centre in Chennai and make sure the all topics are recapped and reviewed before the exam without fail. All the best!


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